On behalf of the International Organizing Committee, we are very pleased to inform you that the Fifth International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO2019) will be held in Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside, China, during September 24-26, 2019. The main sponsor of the symposium is Hebei University of Technology (Hebut).
IPDO sequence of international symposia’s main objective is to bring three communities of researchers in the fields of inverse problems, multidisciplinary design theory and optimization together in a unique international forum that provides an excellent basis for cross-fertilization of ideas, as well as for the creation of new synergistic approaches and methodologies. Successful previous versions of the IPDO Symposium were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2004), Miami Beach, USA (2007), Joao Pessoa, Brazil (2010) and Albi, France (2013).
For IPDO2019 Symposium, contribution dealing with robust, efficient solution methods in multidisciplinary practical applications are highly encouraged, such as in nanotechnology, chemistry, aeronautics, astronautics, micro-electronics, bio-medicine, transport and sensing of pollutants, materials design and processing, remote sensing, non-destructive evaluation, variable material property determination, acceleration of single-objective and many-objective optimization, meta-models for high-dimensional problems, uncertainty quantification, unsupervised deep learning algorithms, etc..
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Tianjin.
Important Dates
Previous IPDO Symposia