To download the conference handbook, please click here.
The conference program has now been improved according to the many small adjustments requirements and kind suggestions, please download it and find the detailed arrangement of your report. For your convenience, some of the details are listed below.
Conference Venue
IPDO 2019 will be held in Holiday Inn Riverside, Tianjin, China.
• The main event will be held in the Riverside rooms on the 5th floor.
• Plenary Lectures (PL) will be held in Room A.
• Keynote Lectures (KL) will be given in Rooms B, C and D, respectively.
• Mini-symposia will be in Rooms B, C and D, respectively.
• Conference Banquet will be in Room A on September 25, 2019.
Morning and afternoon tea breaks, buffet lunches and dinners (September 23 - 26), and a round table Banquet are included for all registered participants. Tickets will be provided at the on-site registration desk to all registered participants for accessing these services.
Instructions for Chairs and Presenters
Timeslots: Plenary Lecture 45 minutes;
Keynote Lecture 30 minutes;
All other presentations 15 minutes.
The timeslots include presentation and Q&A. It is advisable to give 5 minutes for Q&A. The conference program is fully packed. Please stick to the program schedule so as to facilitate the smooth transition between mini-symposia. Instructions for Oral Presenters Only overhead projector and one computer are provided in each room. Please bring your file on a USB stick to the room of your presentation during the break before your MS, or 20 minutes before the start of the day’s proceedings. A volunteer in the room will help you to load the ppt.
Name Tags
Name tags are your entry to conference events. Please wear them at all times.
Registration/Information Desk
Please make the registration in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. Registration Desk will be open between 9:00 and 20:00 on September 23, 2019 and between 8:30 and 18:00 on September 24-25, 2019.
WIFI Service
Connecting point: HolidayInn
Plenary Lectures(PL)
• PL-1: Interaction of inverse problems, design and optimization / George S. Dulikravich
• PL-2: Topology Optimization via Sequential Integer Programming and Discrete Sensitivity Analysis/ Gengdong Cheng
• PL-3: Customized Optimization for Practical Problem Solving / Kalyanmoy Deb
• PL-4: Modelling of Boundary Uncertainties in Inverse Problems / Jari Kaipio
Keynote Lectures(KL)
• KL-1: A Priori and a Posteriori Error Estimation for Solutions of Ill-posed Problems / Anatoly G. Yagola
• KL-2: An Optimization Procedure for Parametric Identification of Complex Structural Systems / Qing Li
• KL-3: Nonlinear Static/Dynamic Response Structural Optimization / Gyung-Jin Park
• KL-4: Inverse Problems for Degenerate Parabolic Equations / Daniel Lesnic
• KL-5: IOSO Optimization Technology: Main Possibilities and Examples Usage for Real-life Problems in Different Area / Igor N. Egorov
• KL-6: Sparse Regularization and Optimization Methods for Seismic Data Processing and Imaging/ Yanfei Wang
Overview of Scheduled Presentations in Different Meeting Rooms
Detailed Program
For the detailed arrangements of each Plenary Lecture, Keynote Lecture and MS report, please refer to the conference handbook.
Important Dates
Previous IPDO Symposia